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23 years old. Ohio born. Wyoming Raised. Massachusetts resident. United States Marine.

Friday, December 16, 2011

High Five for Friday

Well one of my favorite  blogs From My Grey Desk does a weekly post called "High Five for Friday". It's your five favorite things throughout the week. Ya know like Wednesday I went on a safari in the middle of Africa, or I partied with the dinosaurs from Land Before Time (yes my obsession with dinosaurs is still around), or even I met Ryan Gosling (Yummyyyy!!!). Ok well obviously mine aren't quite that exciting but none the less I present to you MY high five for Friday.

1. I got my invite to Pinterest finally after waiting for nearly two months! My friend Jennie saved the day when she found out I was waiting and immediately sent me an invite. It made my whole day! :]

2.  I went to New York City last Friday and Saturday with my sister (she flew up here for the weekend from NC) and let me tell you we had a blast! We probably looked a little out of place being that well we aren't exactly "city" girls. But for being from North Carolina and Wyoming I'd say we did our best.

I hope that we aren't the only loser sisters who take millions of pictures in front of the bathroom mirror. :]
(I'm on the left Ashlyn is on the right)
3. I finished 3 things on my bucket list. Eat a hot dog in Times Square, Go to NYC during Christmas time, Go on a carriage ride.

This is Ashlyn and I in front of the Rockefeller Tree in NYC

4. I got this super cute jacket at White House Black Market. The exciting part is I've wanted it for almost a year but being that it was $180 I couldn't justify it. I went in there the other day just to "browse" and I saw it on the clearance rack for $20. Seriously I was like a kid in a candy store after that.

5. My friend Stephanie and her husband Justin went with Ashlyn and I to the WMZQ Winterfest Concert in Fairfax on Saturday. We saw Kellie Pickler, Kip Moore, Rodney Atkins, Thompson Square, and Josh Thompson it was totally worth it. We all had a blast!

We have had this odd obsession with putting our hand in each other back pockets ever since a guy came up to me at the mall one day and tried to pick me up by saying "Hey girl hey lemme put my hand in yo back pocket" so now it is our thing lol.


  1. love it! especially the first one...pinterest is SO addicting! thanks for linking up :)
